Frequently Asked Questions

How do you auction tea leaves?

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What to do to become a member of the Global Tea Auction?

It has since been created for all the tea-producing countries in the world and to conduct online auction activities of tea leaves. So apart from some of our own Trump & Conditions, we put the law of any country’s tea industry, the law of the Tea Board, and the Tea Export-Import Act of that country first. Then you can become a member here by submitting the specified form and fee for brokerage. In addition, we provide a form for the buyer (the bidder) who can only become a member here if he fills in and submits the specified fee.

What is your purpose in creating this network?

The purpose of our Global Tea Auction Network is many. It’s not just our dreams. This is the dream of everyone involved in the tea industry. Tea can be easily auctioned through this platform. You can conduct auction activities in your office or home. In addition, the brokerages (sellers) can easily publish their offers in the form of prizes and lots with all kinds of descriptions, including the quality of tea. Which can be operated 24/7. Besides, the tea industry of all the countries of the world and everything including the quality and price of tea is at your fingertips

How do you work?

We are basically a brokerage company. We work on a global platform. We register 2/5 brokers from each tea-producing country. Who will represent that country? But the buyer will be global. When a buyer wins a tea auction, the buyer pays for the winning tea. Once the price offered is deposited in the bank of the tea brokers, the brokers will prepare everything including the VAT of that country, and deliver the tea leaves to the won buyer. We only carry a small payment of the sold fee in addition to our fixed fee. Which will be in exchange for our server bill, management bill, and company bill.

How is your network?

We have a huge network. We are constantly sponsoring on the global platform. Through which a new generation and new businessmen are being created. As the tea market continues to grow, so does the day-to-day marketing of tea and the creation of new ways to offer tea to new customers. Through which both are getting good results.

What if we bidders are cheated?

Basically, we provide listing brokerages with a legal form through T Boards of all countries. I also provide that kind of legal form for bitters. If the brokerage sends tea other than its sample and description, we will send a legal notice against them. In addition to the compensation, we have to pay a certain fee. In addition to the brokerage listings, we will have the T-tester’s bio data and the company profile including the bio  data of the brokerage chairman and managing director.

What is the payment system?

If you want to be our member you have to make a certain payment. Which is annual. It will depend on brokerage, beater, tea board, tea association. If you pay this application fee, we will verify all the work. And we will make them members through the tea board of that country. You will be allowed to conduct brokerage for the auction after paying this fee. If someone wins your offered tea leaf, they will pay you by the bank or through TT.